Saturday, November 17, 2007

Comet Holmes

The month of October and November was colored with the highlight of the night, the Comet 17P or Comet Holmes. Comet Holmes is a periodic comet in our solar system. As of the moment, Comet Holmes is the biggest object in the Solar System, even bigger than the sun.
The comet changed magnitude from 17 to 2.8; meaning it became brighter by half a million times. The next time the comet will return is predicted to be at March 22, 2014.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

SU Physics Peeps:

The upcoming "" will feature pictures from the older batches to the latest batch, different audio and video podcasts about Physics, other sciences, and technology, and will cater to high school and college student needs on the subject Physics.

Let's make this work. We need your cooperation. Post on comments if you have any questions or contributions. =)

Thanks for the domain and space!