Monday, November 23, 2009

JPPS to go to Science on the Move

Tuesday, November 24, 2009, the Junior Philippine Physics Society visited a traveling science exhibit called SCIENCE ON THE MOVE.

The exhibit is held at the Negros Oriental Convention Center in Dumaguete. The exhibit is a joint effort of the DOST, the Philippine Foundation for Science and Technology, and the Confederation of Scientific and Professional Organizations.

This is one of the few steps the JPPS is taking to be involved in the scientific community, and to support scientific education.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Scope of Physics

A lot of people don’t have a grasp of the scope of physics, even some physics students themselves; don’t quite grasp the reach of physics. Most students associate physics with teaching. There’s actually a large array of possibilities for physics graduates. Physics branches out in almost all scientific fields.

To give you an idea here are some branches/extensions to physics that physics majors can associate to or proceed into:

PURE PHYSICS [formation of the body of physics through facts]:
1. Astrophysics – physical nature of stars, galaxies and the universe. It branches into fields such as:
....i. Cosmology
....ii. Cosmogony
....iii. Astronautics
....iv. Astrodynamics
........1. Celestial Mechanics
....v. Radar & Radio Astronomy
2. Biophysics – study of energy in living things
3. Cryogenics – energy of substances at very low temperatures
4. Electricity & Magnetism – effects of electromagnetic fields
5. Electronics – the flow of electrons and electronic circuits
6. Geophysics – physics in the earth, which branches out further into:
....i. Cosmic physics
....ii. Geodesy
....iii. Geomagnetology
....iv. Glaciology
....v. Isostasy
7. Mathematical Physics – the use of math to explain phenomena, which branches further into:
....i. Computational physics
....ii. Chaos theory
....iii. Relativistic physics
8. Mechanics – interaction of forces and energy on bodies/fluids at rest or in motion. Mechanics branches out to:
....i. Dynamics
....ii. Aerodynamics
....iii. Hydrodynamics
....iv. Fluid dynamics
9. Nuclear Physics – nuclear reactions
10. Optics – light and electromagnetic spectrum just above x-rays to just below microwaves
11. Particle Physics – behavior and properties of elementary particles
12. Plasma Physics – ionized particles and study of their properties
13. Quantum Physics – quantum theory of matter – electromagnetic wave interaction
14. Solid State Physics – condensed matter physics, branches to crystallography
15. Sound – properties of sound waves, which branches further into:
i. Acoustics
ii. Ultrasonics
16. Statistical mechanics – statistical relationship between macroscopic and microscopic physics
17. Thermodynamics – heat in terms of molecular motion

APPLIED PHYSICS [putting knowledge of physics to use, to help mankind]:
1. Engineering – harnessing materials, forces, and energy so they can be of use to man. It branches to:
....i. Engineering
....ii. Electronics
....iii. Metallurgical engineering
2. Optometry – knowledge of optics as applied to vision, whether for living things or instruments

Furthermore, you could also classify Physics into two:
Mechanics, Heat & Thermodynamics, Electricity & Magnetism, Sound & Acoustics, Light & Optics;

Atomic Physics, Plasma Physics, Molecular Physics, Solid-State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Cryogenics/Low Temperature Physics, Relativistic Mechanics, Particle Physics.

Also, physics graduate are also in demand in other lines of work because of their high-level math skills.