Sunday, December 27, 2009

SU Physics Dept Holds 1st Christmas-Costume Party

The Silliman University Physics Department engaged in the department's 1st Christmas-Costume party held last Dec 17, Thursday at SC 346. The Physics students and faculty dressed up in their Christmas attires as they began the party.

Rosette as Lady Gaga/Daughter of Santa Claus

Dr. Hope Bandal as a Christmas clown

Sir Nelvs as King Herod

Ma'am Blessy

Ma'am Giselle

From left: Yasi as a priest, Louie, Niña as an angel, Zyriel as one of the 3 kings, Louis and Carl as shepherds

Ma'am Atillo as a 'modern Santa Claus' as she puts it

Louis as Rudolf?

Jhunace as a gift

Gifts under a Christmas tree - Gerald, Jhunace and Ma'am Puracan

The second years as elves plus Miss Universe

The 1st years in their costumes: Jhunace, Rosette, Menneth, Jomar

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Public Observation of Geminids Meteor Shower

On December 13, Sunday, the Junior Philippine Physics Society along with the Sidlakan Negros Photographers will be having a public observation of the Geminids Meteor Shower. The event will be held at the Astro-Meteo Observation Deck of the Physics Department of Silliman University, from 8pm - 12am.

Meteor shower data:
Zenithal Hourly Rate (ZHR)=100 per hour
Parent comet: 3200 Phaeton
Constellation: Gemini, Eastern horizon
Remarks:New moon, so view will be good and faint meteors will be visible.