Saturday, August 30, 2008

JPPS Booth 2008

Everday after the opening of the booth festival, the JPPS booth was constantly flooded with people both outside and inside. Many of those who stayed outside were perplexed at the trivia questions given to them by the physics majors which involved pieces of paper, diagrams, and match sticks. Many of them who were ready to be entertained by new ideas were marveled when they found the answers especially when they gave a similar reaction which went, "ahhhhhhh." Some [people] also shared their own trivia questions like, "How far can a dog run into a forest?" and our answer was, "Half. If the dog goes beyond half of the forest, then the dog is going out of the forest." Everybody enjoys a braintickle or two, ya? And for those who went inside to have fun with good open hearts and minds had an exciting time saying their visit was well worth it. It was an exciting time for both the physics majors and the visitors alike.

The JPPS would like to thank everyone who made this activity successful!

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